Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Moringa is nature's gift to good health and immunity.

If you are always on the go and do not have time to eat a proper diet than taking a daily multi-vitamins and mineral tablet is probably the best way to go. However, let us take some time out and just think about this for awhile......

Do we ever think about where some of these vitamins, minerals and proteins come from and how it is possible to "squeeze" so many different types of vitamins, minerals and proteins in varying micro-quantities into that one small tablet? Really, don't you find this amazing?  Also, why do these multi-vitamins always have smell like a pharmacy or a chemistry laboratory? Really, there is no price to give you if you guessed correctly that many of these multi-vitamins, etc that you find so easily on the shelves are chemically synthesized rather than extracted from a natural source.

There are many who believe that consuming synthetic vitamins is OK and is not detriment to one's health and there are those who believe that it is better to consume vitamins, minerals and proteins from natural sources. In the past, I too used to believe that consuming synthetic was OK until I discovered Moringa oleifera. I am now a firm believer that it is better to consume naturally.

Did you know that not all multi-vitamins are the same? They are all labeled multi-vitamins but when you check out the ingredients listed, you will find that they are different amongst the different manufacturers and you will also see that the quantity for each listed ingredient is never the same. So, who decides the appropriate vitamins, minerals and proteins to include in a multi-vitamin and in what quantity? ......This is the reason why there is always a possibility that you can be over consuming certain vitamins and minerals unknowingly to the detriment of your health.

So if commercially produced multi-vitamins are not good for health, then what is? Be patient and I will provide an alternative for you in my next post.