Monday, November 1, 2010

Moringa oleifera - Leaves

Researchers say that Moringa oleifera is native to Northern India and ancient Sanskrit writers have recorded the plant as one of the well-known medicinal plants in Ayurveda that is capable of preventing some three hundred (300) diseases. Of the many parts of the tree that can be used for medicinal and disease preventive purposes, the leaves of Moringa oleifera is the easiest to identify and to prepare for these purposes, and it is that part of the tree that is also the most abundant, easily obtained all year round, and that can be safely consumed raw or cooked.

Moringa oleifera leaf is basically a compound leaf, grayish-downy when young, long petioled with between 8 to 10 pairs of pinnae each bearing two pairs of opposites, elliptic or obovate leaflets, all 1 to 2 cm long. The whole leaves, including the twigs and stems have high protein content and can be eaten by both humans and animals and does not contain any toxins that might decrease these as a source of food for consumption.

The leaves have been found to be an exceptional source of high concentration of basic vitamins, minerals and all essential amino acids that are needed to maintain good health. Researchers have also discovered that the vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids found in Moringa oleifera are well balanced naturally for the human body's physical development, bodily functions and well-being. A good balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids are very important for health. Any deficiency in any one of these nutrients may result in one or more health problems and illnesses.

On a gram to gram comparison, fresh Moringa oleifera leaves has:
4 times more vitamin A (in the form of Beta Carotene) than carrots;
7 times more vitamin C than oranges;
4 times more calcium than milk;
3 times more potassium than bananas; and
4 times more iron than spinach.

When compared in the dried form, on a gram to gram basis, dried Moringa oleifera leaves powder has:
11 times the vitamin A (Beta Carotene) than carrots;
17 times the calcium than milk;
15 times the potassium than bananas;
25 times the iron than spinach; and
0.6 times the vitamin C of oranges (vitamin C being water soluble is lost through the drying process).

Moringa oleifera leaves with its combination of basic vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids is an extremely valuable source of nutrition for people of all ages. No other plant currently known can match these nutritional credentials of Moringa oleifera. Moringa oleifera is like a "3-in-1" solution to having to take different food to have the same combination of nutrients required by the human body.

These leaves have been successfully used to fight malnourishment in children and as well as both expectant and nursing mothers in Senegal by local and foreign NGOs working together in Africa. So successful were these trials that a number of hospitals and health posts in Senegal now give out dried Moringa leaves powder to expectant and nursing mothers to be added to their diet and to their infant's diet.
Young Moringa oleifera leaves

Mature Moringa oleifera leaves