Sunday, November 14, 2010

Moringa oleifera has significant amount of Copper and Magnesium for good health

Did you know that copper is needed in the body to stay healthy? If you do not then read on.

Copper is required by the human body for producing haemoglobin (main iron component in red blood cells), maintenance of blood vessels, the production of collagen and melanin (a dark pigment found in skin and hair).

It promotes mportant functions such as: infant growth; host defence mechanisms; bone strength; red and white cell maturation; iron transport; and  brain development.

Copper deficiency can result in:
·  anaemia;
·  neutropenia;
·  bone abnormalities like osteoporosis;
·  hypopigmentation of the hair and skin;
·  hypotonia;
·  impaired growth;
·  increased incidence of infections; and
·  altered immunity.

Copper deficiency occurs mainly in young infants and it has also been diagnosed in children and adults. Many of these cases are described in malnutrition conditions.

Beware that too much copper can also be toxic that can result in the form of stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea.

100 gms of Fresh Moringa oleifera leaves has sufficient copper to meet 50% of the recommended RDA of an adult.

What about Magnesium?

Did you know that the human body contains about 760mg of magnesium at birth, 5g at age 4 to 5 months, and 25g when adult.

Magnesium in the body is distributed in the muscle and soft tissues (30 - 40%), in extra-cellular fluid (1%) and the remainder magnesium is in the skeleton.

Soft tissues magnesium functions as a cofactor of many enzymes involved in:
·   energy metabolism;
·   protein synthesis;
·   RNA and DNA synthesis; and
·   maintenance of the electrical potential of nervous tissues and cell membranes.

Magnesium in the body regulates potassium fluxes and its involvement in the metabolism of calcium.

Magnesium deficiency can cause:
·   anorexia;
·   nausea;
·   muscular weakness;
·   lethargy;
·   staggering; and
·   weight loss (only if deficiency is prolonged).