Saturday, November 20, 2010

Moringa oleifera a plant base source of essential amino acids.

Proteins (chain of amino acids) are complex organic compounds. While most amino acids can be synthesised by the human body from the food we consume, the essential amino acids have to be consumed from external sources.

There are two classifications for Protein containing food. The classifications are complete or incomplete and are in accordance to whether the food has all the eight (8) essential amino acids or some of the essential amino acids. Unfortunately, most of the complete protein containing foods are animal based such as, meat, eggs, milk, poultry and, as we now know from scientific researches, too much consumption of meat products can contribute to many health problems such as cholesterol, hypertension, gout and so on. The other alternative is to consume soybean, the only know protein complete plant base food or to consume a combined diet of a number of incomplete plant based protein food such as beans, rice, and corn and so on.

Although soybean is a good source of complete protein, Moringa oleifera has higher content of essential amino acids. Regular consumption of Moringa health supplements will certainly help to keep the body's immune system in good form and efficient.

The table below shows the value of amino acids in 100gm of raw mature soybean seeds and in 100gm of fresh Moringa oleifera leaves:

Type of Amino acids
Moringa oleifera
ArginineAmino acids
HistidineAmino acids
LysineEssential Amino acids
TrytophanEssential Amino acids
PhenylanalineEssential Amino acids
MethionineEssential Amino acids
ThreonineEssential Amino acids
LeucineEssential Amino acids
IsoleucineEssential Amino acids
ValineEssential Amino acids

Human beings tend to be lazy and are always looking for quick and easy ways to accomplish things. Consuming soybeans for its essential amino acids requires substantial efforts as soybean needs to be cooked before it can be consumed. With Moringa oleifera, you can actually consume it raw and fresh. It is as simple as eating it like a salad or if you have access to its dried leaf powder, it can be simply sprinkled over the food before consuming the food or in capsule form.

 Moringa oleifera leaves can be eaten raw. It is a little "spicey" and is best eaten raw with other salad leaves and some dressing such as Italian dressing.

Moringa dried leaf powder can be sprinkled over any food before it is consumed to enjoy the benefits of its rich source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The powder can also be made into a dip as a side-dish or even be capsulised to be taken as a health supplement.